Tonight I am home, under a blanket, and going to get back into my blogs and a little Pinterest too for that matter lol my life hasn't been the same this week without them!
This will be a bunch of randomness, my apologies, but I have too much to share!
I guess I will start with most recent... to oldest news ha ;)
Navy is the new dark... for your nails that is! Everything I am reading says Navy is "the" Fall Polish Color... so tonight when I went to visit Tee at Red Nails (Lex ladies... Red Nails in Fayette Mall, Tee is my girl, you will LOVE her, she has done my nails for as long as I can remember but she wouldn't let me take her picture to put on my blog haha!I tried!) ... I went crazy and decided to try navy... Russian Navy that it, by OPI...
And IRL (in real life for the new blogger followers!)
And just for fun, here are some of my facebook comments on it
(ignore Jason and my brother... what do guys know about polish anyway? hahaha!)
Can you read those?? I can't tell if it's too small or not ha. Sorry if you can't... I need to perfect my print screen skills maybe!
Next in my randomness...
One of my favorite things about Fall that I left off of my last blog on accident...
That's right... Creamy Tomato Soup from Panera!!! My favorite. Don't mind it is the worst soup on the entire menu for you, at 330 calories for a bowl (doesn't count the bread either ha, now I'm really screwed) but it is the yummiest and my most fave! Just in moderation :)
On Wednesday Emily and I attended the "Get Motivated" speaking seminar at RUPP... it was pretty good (minus the fact we were in traffic for over an hour trying to get there!)
But I did get to hear two of my favorite speakers...
Coach Cal and Laura Bush!
They were both good! There were some other good ones too... we didn't get to hear everybody but these two were my favorite :)
Also on Wednesday, the kids were begging to get out the Halloween and Fall Decor ... so I trucked it through the attic and spent 4 hours going through it all, seeing what we would use this year.. and then putting it all out! Got me in the spirit for Christmas though, weird I know... but I just wanted to skip Halloween and bring out the Christmas trees!
Notice Frankie, just laying in the middle... don't mind him, he just has to be in the mix so he doesn't miss anything lol
My friend Whitney got MARRIED!! Yayy!! Her and Brian walked down the isle last weekend and I am ashamed I didn't get to share the pics before now.. but here are some from the night...
The wedding was supposed to be outside but due to mother nature, it got moved in the barn at Talon... but was still so beautiful :) Loved these big burlap initial letters that were behind them during the ceremony!
The lighting was no good for my camera where we were sitting but this is still cute :)
Ummmm how cute is that? Something Blue!
Light blue sparkly TOMS! Love them! So Whitney!!
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gilliam :)
Love this pic!
(Whitney changed into a shorter, comfy, dancing dress!)
Kelly (and baby Mack ha), Chrissy, Steph & Me :)
Friend's since 5th grade... awww!
Pretty bridesmaids and their hubby's (kinda Kimmie ha)
Manny, Laura, Kim & Clay
PS. Are those the cutest bridesmaids dresses you have EVER seen? I loved them!
Love these napkins! Adorable!
Steph & I
Chris & I
Kim & Clay ... love this pic... needs to be your alls new profile pic on fbook lol
Largest cupcake tower I've ever seen ... so yummy!
Grooms cake... we still love him, even though he's got the wrong team!!!!!!! jk
Whitney you did an amazing job and it was so pretty!! Can't wait to hear all about your honeymoon!
Love you! XO
Just in case anyone is wondering what Frankie is up to these days...
The little spoiled thing just follows me around and sleeps on the bed, and his current obsession is string cheese! He is mildly obsessed (that's my fave snack so clearly he just likes it because I do) and as soon as I open the door to the fridge he is right under me waiting for some ha! Love his heart!
Could he be any cuter? I think not! ;)
Well I still need to Pinterest and do a post of the Celebrity Birthday Party I am in preparation for... and also Chris's birthday is Monday so we will be having some more celebrations to do as well!!
Have a great weekend!!!